Saturday, September 4, 2010

Know Your Diabetic Diet Plan

People who suffer from diabetes often assume that now they need to cut off all the food items that they actually crave for. In other words, they should start eating things that they hate the most, but that is not exactly true because people are not really aware about their diabetic diet plan. The sole purpose of the diabetic diet is not to cut down the food items that you crave for, but to cut down the level of sugar inside your body. Hence, you can still consult your doctor and find out more about what kind of diabetic diet you should follow.

Of course, you might have to cut down your junk food and sweets to some extent if your doctor has told you to stay away, but the basic idea behind having a diabetic diet is to have a balanced diet that will keep you healthy. Hence, such diet plans are not only made for the sole purpose of taste but also keeping in mind that it should provide good amount of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals to your body. Patients suffering from Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2 can still have high protein diet like having fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and various other food products that have a good amount of lean proteins.

Patients who are on diabetic diet should not miss out their breakfast because it provides them with all kind of nutrients that are required for the body to function for the day. Hence, breakfast should be healthy and should not have anything sweet. It is also recommended that you go for smaller meals instead of having a lunch like a king. Try to eat in smaller proportions so that your body is able to digest what you eat. Salads are the best snacks for diabetic diet plans because they can nutritious and loaded with proteins. Fiber-rich food items are always recommended because they are light and have good amount of antioxidants that can help in decreasing the cholesterol levels.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

There is no doubt that diabetes is one of the most common health problems in the world and that it can lead to death if you are not serious about it. Diabetes mellitus also known as diabetes is quickly growing across the globe as teenagers and children are also being affected with it. Hence, it is very important that we take effective precautions to get out of this health problem as quickly as we can. As per the WHO survey, the growth rate of diabetes in North America alone was 2.8% in the year 2000, but it has surprisingly moved up to 18% in the year 2008.

Diabetes is not only increasing in North America, but also in Asia and Africa. Hence, people are constantly looking for vaccines and medicines that can help them combat this Sweet Killer. In countries like India where a huge group of people suffer from various types of diabetes Ayurvedic medicines have been developed to cut down the sugar levels inside the body. Hence, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is becoming extremely popular in this part of the globe. As per the Ayurveda, diabetes is a kapha disorder which leads to the malfunctioning of agni which finally leads to high sugar levels.

As per the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, Ayurvedic practitioners make use of herbal plants and fruits that can help in cutting down the sugar levels and provide more energy to the body to fight body toxins internally. Breathing exercises and yoga are also an important elements in the Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Herbal products like neem, tulsi, haldi and shilajit are used to ensure that the pancreas and liver of the patient is working efficiently to eliminate the toxic out of the body. This is also known as Colon Therapy where doctors try to clean the digestive tract and then work on balancing the system. Green vegetables, bitter lemon, and soy should be the part of your diet and items like rice, potato, sugar cane, and jaggery should be avoided.

Understanding Diabetes Symptoms In a Better Way

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health problems in the world and nearly 30% of the world population suffers from diabetes. There are different kinds of diabetes like Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes which can happen to anyone at any given point of time. Hence, it is always important that we keep a close watch on our diet and make sure that our health is always maintained. In simple words, diabetes is a disease in which the body stops producing insulin inside the body which helps converting sugar into energy. Hence, large amount of sugar remains inside the body and that can lead to devastating results.

To tackle any kind of disease you need to stop it at the initial stages because things can become complicated at a later stage. Hence, it is very important for us to understand some basic diabetes symptoms that can warn us that we need to take some precautions at the right time. The most common diabetes symptoms are frequent urination, feeling thirsty at all times, and blurry vision. However, these symptoms can be because of other different factors as well. Hence, it is very important to get yourself checked with your family physician if you experience any of these symptoms.

A person normally suffers from Diabetes Type 1 in the initial stages when his or her body begins to slow down the production of insulin. However, it can quickly convert into Diabetes Type 2 and this is when the body stops producing insulin. Gestational Diabetes generally happens to women during the pregnancy period and therefore they should make sure that have complete control on their diet. People suffering from any of these diabetes symptoms should ensure that they intake diet which is rich in fiber, and should cut down their sugar intake as much as possible. Physical exercises like jogging, swimming, running and walking can help considerably to get yourself out of diabetes at an early stage.