Friday, August 6, 2010

Tackling Malaria Problems

Tackling Malaria Problems


Malaria is considered to be one of the most infectious diseases that can prove fatal if it is not treated on time. Currently, malaria problem is considered as a global problem as most of the developing and third world nation face problems like malaria annually. The outbreak of malaria has killed more people over the world compare to the number of deaths in both the World Wars. Many countries in American, Asian and African continent continuously face malaria problems throughout the year. However, 90% of the sub-Sahara population suffers from malaria.

Malaria Symptoms

Hence, many government organizations and private health agencies are now working together to eradicate the problem of malaria. One of the best ways to tackle malaria problems is to understand malaria symptoms. Common malaria symptoms like fever, vomiting, retinal damage, and loss of blood. Most of the malaria symptoms are very common and therefore people never really understand if they are suffering from malaria or from any other normal viral fever. Malaria can also be fatal if it is untreated because it can also lead to problems like death and coma. One of the main causes of malaria is the malaria parasites.

Malaria Prevention

Malaria prevention is one of the best ways for malaria treatment. There are different medications that can be used for malaria treatment. However, prevention is the best way because you would not have to undergo all the pain that is caused because of malaria. Methods like sterile insect technique and mosquito control are considered as the best ways to prevent malaria as they eliminate the malaria vector problems. Prophylactic drugs and indoor residual spraying is also recommended if you want to keep your surroundings clean and stay away from problems like malaria. If you don’t want to spend too much then mosquito nets and proper bed clothes are recommended.

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