Friday, August 13, 2010

The Truth Behind the New NDM-1 Superbug

Superbugs have always made a global news because of the impact they have on human health. Recently a new Asian superbug has been making news after many health agencies in the United Kingdom have revealed more information about it. Interestingly, the bug is named after the capital city of India and NDM-1 stands for New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase 1, a kind of gene which is normally found in different bacteria. However, the main reason why this superbug has been receiving a global attention is because this gene can produced an enzyme that makes most of the antibiotics ineffective.

Medical experts say that NDM-1 superbug contains enzyme called as carbapenemase which can make even the most powerful antibiotics like carbepenum ineffective due to which several medical communities across the world have raised concerns over this Asian superbug. As per the records, there is no antibiotic available for the cure of this NMD-1 superbug and therefore precautions like washing hands regularly and keeping the environment clean is the only way to tackle the problem.

The gene was first founded by Young and team and they have named the gene after the capital city of India as most of the patients who have been infected by this superbug are from Indian origin. There are many European citizens who have also been affected with this superbug and as per the records many of them had undergone cosmetic surgeries in India and Pakistan. The Health Protection Agency (HPA), UK have already spread the news as a precautionary measure to alert all the citizens globally. However, the medical fraternity in India have strongly protested against the UK warning claiming it to be baseless and rubbish.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Malaria: A Byproduct of Poverty

Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases that cannot be ignored or taken lightly because it can lead to problems like coma and death. Currently, there are many health organizations across the globe that are working to find a permanent cure for malaria, although there are many medications available in the market to get rid of malaria. However, certain studies and surveys have clearly indicated that malaria problems are more common in places where people from lower strata of the society live. Hence, majority of the people that die because of malaria are well below the poverty line in their country. On the other hand, malaria is more common in countries like Africa, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and various other South American countries where the economy of the country is not stable.

Young children and pregnant women are the most vulnerable of all and therefore majority of the malaria patients are young kids and women who are not fit and healthy. It has been studied that there are around 300 million cases each year where young kids and women are being affected with malaria problems. One major reason why only young kids and women are prone to malaria is because of poor immune system. Young kids do not have enough immunity to fight malaria parasites. Women who are pregnant have weak immune system and therefore they are vulnerable to malaria parasites as well.

As per the research it has been found that public health depends on the economy of the country and therefore countries that have a very high and stable economy do not suffer from problems like malaria. Apart from the economy of the country, factors like education and awareness also plays an important role in the eradication of malaria. People in third world nations are not financially stable and therefore there is no good education and awareness system that can educate them about cleanliness and how to avoid problems like malaria and other epidemics. Hence, we can surely say that malaria is very much directly linked to poverty.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Diet Tips to Keep Malaria Away

We all know that malaria can cause a lot of problem and therefore it is better that we keep distance from this deadly disease that has created a havoc across the globe. Malaria is caused because of malaria parasites that enter our body system and begin to react quickly. Hence, it is very important that we have a strong immune system that can combat these malaria parasites when they are inside our body. Hence, the best way to keep malaria away is to understand more about how malaria enters our system and what can we do to keep it at bay.

Fever is one of the most common symptoms of malaria, but fever can happen because of various other reasons and therefore people never realize that they are being affected by malaria parasites. Apart from that, there are various ways in which you can keep malaria away like using mosquito nets and wearing full sleeve clothes. You can even keep your surroundings clean so that there is no water logging but what about the diet? Diet is equally important and therefore proper malaria diet should be followed to ensure that you are miles away from malaria.

If you enjoy lemon juice then you can enjoy a glass of fresh lemon juice when you are suffering from fever which feels similar like malaria fever. Lime juice is considered as a cleanser and therefore it will eliminate all the toxic waste inside our system. Hence, you should always go for lime juice whenever you get an opportunity.

Another citrus fruit that you should take when you are suffering from malaria is grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice is popular for curing problems like malaria because it can destroy all the bacteria inside the system. Hence, similar to lime juice it also works as a cleanser that clears up all the body toxins.

Cinnamon is one important food element that you should always remember when malaria problems in your locality is on the high. Cinnamon is mostly used as spice in the food, but it has many other anti-microbial properties. Hence, cinnamon powder can be provided to the patient in a glass of boil water. You can add honey to it for taste. This will help in strengthening the immune system of the patient. Cinnamon leaf oil can also be sprinkled in your locality so that there are no mosquito breeding in your locality.

Holy Basil also known as Tulsi can be used to cure malaria. Tulsi is a good prophylactic agent and therefore it can quickly cure problems like malaria. Hence, you can extract holy basil juice and add some black peppers to it and it will bring down the fever and also cure malaria in short period of time.