Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fight Back Dengue with Your Knowledge

Life in urban areas can be challenging because there are so many factors that can give rise to different life threatening diseases, dengue is just one of them. However, unlike malaria, dengue is just not limited to the urban areas. Dengue is considered as one of the most dangerous diseases that is very common in the tropics and is spread by Aedes Aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes are usually out on the run during early mornings and evening. Hence, you should be very careful at these times and prefer to have some protection like long sleeve shirts and pants to keep them away. They are also active when the atmosphere is dull and cloudy.

As per the World Health Organization, there are more than 50 million registered cases annually and around 2.5 million people who are at the risk of being affected from dengue. In some countries, dengue is also known as the breakbone disease because of the extreme pain it inflicts on the patients. Today, dengue is common in more than hundred countries around the globe including some of the world’s best tourist destinations like Australia, Malaysia, Costa Rica, India, Singapore, and Brazil. One of the most common symptoms of dengue is muscle and joint pains. Hence, if you are experiencing muscle pains then immediately rush to the doctor to get yourself treated.

Dengue fever which is commonly known as DHF can be life threatening if you are not serious about it. Hence, researchers and scientists are still researching on various medicines that can help us fight back this disease. However, in the meantime we can keep ourselves informed about how we can keep things under control.

As per the Ayurvedic treatment it has been proved that tulsi or holy basil leaves are very useful to combat diseases like malaria and dengue. Hence, it is always beneficial to juice of holy basil seeds if possible. You can even plant tulsi plants right outside your window as it works like a repellant and does not allow mosquitoes to enter your house.

Ginger and honey combination is also good to tackle fevers like dengue because it builds the immune systems from within to fight back the viruses. You can add some holy basil seeds to the ginger honey combination and the solution will work wonders for you.

In one of the striking news on the internet, it has also been found that papaya leaves have worked like a miracle on patients who are already suffering from dengue. Patients who are suffering from dengue often see their blood platelets count dropping, but with the help of papaya leaf juice patients are seen recovering quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Need more information on ayurvedic treatment for dengue ?
